Everyone can use more mobility and stretching in their routines. Stretching has many benefits, such as it improves your performance, decreases risk of injury, increases mobility and full range of motion, and more. Sometimes it is difficult to dedicate the proper time to stretching before and after workouts, but we've made it easy with a pre-workout routine from Philip Doyle that you can follow along with before your next row! 

Philip Doyle is a doctor and elite-level rower. Over the past five years, he has qualified in the NHS (National Health Service) and has been on the Irish National Team for the same amount of time. Philip qualified for and competed in the Tokyo 2021 Olympics. 

In his mobility session, Philip will guide you through some stretches that are perfect for rowers. He works through legs, hips, and upper body, getting you prepped and ready for your rowing or erging workout. Click the link below to watch the full video on our Youtube Channel!

Mobility Session with Philip Doyle

What is your favorite stretch for rowers?